Climate control units for jerking of fish
The chambers for climatic maturation can be successfully used for jerking of fish. Strict control of the temperature and humidity provides the optimal mode for making dried fish a real delicacy.
The difference of the fish climate chamber is just a much higher rate of air flow that is needed for a quick moisture selection and shorteningof a drying period.
The presence of the controller "Polytherm-24" allows technologists of fish production specify the necessary conditions for product processing in the climatic chamber. The accuracy of temperature maintenance is of ± 1 %, and the relative humidity maintenance is ± 2 %.
Dehumidifying mode may be realised both with the opened valves by means of dumping water into the atmosphere, and with the closed shutters by means of air drying with the help of cold-producing unit. . You can also use various combinations of regimens, taking into account the temperature and humidity of the room, the time of the year etc.
The climatic chamber can be made of sandwich panels or ready premise of the "Customer" can be used. The air treatment unit can be placed on either side of the chamber, in a convenient location. The capacity of a chamber may be from 4 to 24 wagons and above. As a rule, fish is hung on stainless steel "hungs" of 3-6mm, the small fish is put in custom-made stainless steel trays that are placed on a trolley.
The climatic units for fish jerking produced by the “Techinserv” LLC allow to handle the product evenly throughout the whole volume of the chamber and obtain at short notice the excellent quality and attractive appearance of the products.